Monday, December 11, 2006


Home Renovation Phase II:

It's been a week after the construction workers left the house. Powderpuff has been helping Mini-DV painting the entire house for 6 days. It was a joyful experience when we started it. But now everyone is exhausted with sore arms. and yet…. the house is sill not 100% covered with new paints. But we are almost there…. I think I painted too much that I even dreamed of painting during my sleep……


riceman said...

you guys work fast! can't wait to see the final result

Mini-DV said...

We work to death...... and we probably won't paint any more after this.

There are too many small details that needs extra time to finish up, so we will do them after we move in.

eatgod said...

I forgot to mentioned that there are those paint guns (like $200) that allow you to paint a lot quicker than the traditional way.

Mini-DV said...

Too much preparation for paint gun. i used that once for my parents' old house. it is usefully when you paint the same color in large area.

Did they use paint gun for your house?

riceman said...

is the house done yet? when can we visit?

Mini-DV said...

nope... not really....

I hope to get it done soon.. I am taking a break this week. Still haven't gotten any furnitures for myself. We just had our hot water boiler replaced, and I was glad that Sanitation took our old one away this morning.