Sunday, March 04, 2007


Thanks all for coming....hope you enjoy the lantern puzzles & my doggie tricks!!! "7-up"!!! Here are some bonus puzzles:

1. 一群女人在聊天猜四字成語
2. 為何公馬比母馬跑得快猜四字成語
3. 五百個男人光屁股坐在石頭上猜體育用品
4. 神仙放屁猜四字成語
5. 太監最討厭的歌 三個字 (費玉清的歌)

"啥是B呀?“ 是我 BB ..... :-)


Leigo said...

great party, gracious hosts, and a cozy home! yes, those puzzles are killers.

eatgod said...

答案3: 鉛球

how about:



riceman said...

our guesses

4) 神氣十足
5) 一剪梅

Mini-DV said...

1. 無XXX
2. 快XXX
3. 鉛球 correct
4. 不XXX try again
5. 一剪梅 correct

Eatgod, looks like you found yourself some fun reading online... enjoy

answer to your Qs(I have them on my databank). didn't like the first one.

妓院客满 答案 井井有条
撅起屁股望天 答案 有眼无珠

here is a fun one:
裸女坐在石頭上(猜一英文字) Hints: first letter: B

Leigo said...

1. 無稽之談

Anonymous said...

妓院客满 答案 is differ than mine.
"no hole no enter"
"Wu Kun Bu Ru"

riceman said...

2) 快馬加鞭

Mini-DV said...

1) 無稽之談 - correct
2) 快馬加鞭 - correct
4) 不同凡響
裸女坐在石頭上 - ans: Because (...靠石) :-)